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dc.contributor.authorAkman, F.
dc.description.abstractThe K to L shell vacancy transfer probabilities for some elements in the atomic range 30 ≤ Z ≤ 58 were determined using the semi-empirical values of K shell fluorescence yield and the experimental values of Kb/Kα X-ray intensity ratio. Furthermore, the KLX/KLL and KXY/KLL Auger electrons emission ratios for the same elements were obtained using the experimental values of Kb/Kα X-ray intensity ratio. The experiments were performed using a 241Am annular radioisotope source and a high-resolution Si(Li) semiconductor detector. The experimental values of K to L shell vacancy transfer probabilities, and KLX/KLL and KXY/KLL Auger electrons emission ratios were compared with the fitted, theoretical, semi-empirical, and other available experimental values. To the best knowledge of the author, the KLX/KLL and KXY/KLL Auger electrons emission ratios of ruthenium, palladium, and tellurium have been obtained for the first time in the present work. © 2016 Published by NRC Research Press.
dc.sourceCanadian Journal of Physics
dc.titleK to L shell vacancy transfer probabilities and Auger electron emission ratios for elements in the atomic range 30 ≤ Z ≤ 58

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