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dc.contributor.authorInci, H. and Sogut, B. and Gokdogan, O. and Ayasan, T. and Sengul, T.
dc.description.abstractThis study was conducted to determine the energy usage efficiency of broiler chickens raised under organic conditions. To accomplish this goal, the energy input-output of every 1,000 broiler chickens raised in organic conditions was calculated. Efficiency of energy use, energy productivity, specific and net energy for broiler chickens were calculated as 0.30, 0.03 kg/MJ, 35.36 MJ/kg and -75557.96 MJ/1,000 bird, respectively. If we were to categorize the energy input total that was consumed, 9.57% was direct, 90.43% was indirect, 89.57% was renewable and 10.43% was non-renewable. In this sense, organic broiler production cannot be deemed as economically viable considering the energy usage. Feed energy was observed as the highest rate of total energy input. To reduce feed energy input, chicks should not be kept under stress and total output energy should be increased by increasing bird production number. Benefit-cost ratio was determined as 2.41. © 2016, Indian Council of Agricultural Research. All rights reserved.
dc.sourceIndian Journal of Animal Sciences
dc.titleDetermining the energy usage efficiency and economic analysis of broiler chickens raised under organic conditions

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