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dc.contributor.authorEsim, N. and Kiliç, Ö. and Tiryaki, D. and Bengü, A.S.
dc.description.abstractThe present study investigated the effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic felds (ELF-EMFs) from high voltage power line on the antioxidant balance and inducible volatile emissions of Pinus sylvestris L. needles. Te samples were collected from pines just below power line (P0, 50.66 mG) and 10 meter away from same power line. Tey were then categorized as P0 (just below power line) and 10 meter away from the same power line (P10, 6.30 mG). ELF-EMFs inhibited superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and peroxidase (POX), but increased hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in needles of P0 plants. Terefore, volatile components of needles were investigated by GC-MS. Te total rate of the volatile components for P0 and P10 plants was determined as 93.39% and 95.11%, respectively. a-pinene (20.74%), cyclohexene (9.20%), caryophyllene (9.10%) and bornylacetate (8.13%) were identifed as main components in needles of P0 plants, and a-pinene (17.40%), bornylacetate (17.33%), cyclohexene (14.98%) and ß-pinene (13.24%) in needles of P10 plants. Consequently, our fndings suggest that Pine trees are sensitive to ELF-EMFs emitted from power line due to cause oxidative damage and alter the rate of volatile components in pine. © 1885 Mattioli.
dc.sourceProgress in Nutrition
dc.titleInfluence of extremely low frequency electromagnetic feld on antioxidant system and change of volatile composites in Pinus sylvestris L.

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