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dc.contributor.authorÇakirtaş, Ö.
dc.description.abstractStaged in different countries with differing cultural shows and art techniques, puppet shows host various social, historical, political, economic and cultural characteristics of the peoples of these countries. Although the history of traditional puppet art in England is based on the sixteenth century figures, Punch (Pulcinella) and Judy-the prototypes of the Turkish Ibiş and Ihtiyar-its popularity continues even in the modern era. Bernard Shaw, a pioneer of modern British theater, aims to point the satirical sketches comparing William Shakespeare and George Bernard Shaw, and to bring an end to the so-called literary rivalry between Shaw and Shakespeare in his puppet play Shakes versus Shav. Shaw wrote the play in 1949; besides being the last play that forms Shaw’s literary identity, it is one of his shortest plays. When staged, the play takes about a ten minute time, and includes a funny friction between Shaw and Shakespeare. The play covers the discussion of the two playwrights about who the better writer is, as the intellectual equivalent of the traditional stereotypes, Punch and Judy. The play not only includes some quotations from Shakespeare’s works, it also exemplifies the witty literality of Shaw’s style and method. This study, comprising a short historiography of British puppetry, deals with the revived version of traditional puppet art by a modern playwright. The essence of this study is centered on how a modern playwright exemplifies traditional puppet art in Britain, besides projecting the author’s stylistic approach in this sampling. The study briefly summarizes the historical development of British art of puppetry. In general, the paper addresses the emergence of puppets in various cultures, and establishes that the puppet art acts as an important element in the transition from traditional to modern. In addition, the puppet shows of these two world-famous playwrights are valuable in terms of permanence and immortality represented through mutual interaction and social awareness. © 2017, Milli Folklor Dergisi. All rights reserved.
dc.sourceMilli Folklor
dc.titleBernard shaw’s modern puppet play Shakes versus Shav1 as a performance of English puppets punch and judy [Ingiliz kuklasi punch ve judyʼnin bir temsili olarak Bernard shaw’un modern kukla oyunu Shakes versus Shav (Shakes Shav’a Karşi)]

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