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dc.contributor.authorRahman, A. and Cetingul, I.S. and Bayram, I. and Uyarlar, C. and Akkaya, A.B. and Gultepe, E.E. and Keles, H. and Ulucan, A. and Hayat, Z.
dc.description.abstractThis study was designed to evaluate the effect of supplementation of Oregano dried leaves in the quail diet on the intestinal properties and gut morphology. Quails fed diets containing 0% (A), 1% (B), 2% (C), 3% (D), 4% (E) and 5% (F) dried ground Oregano leaves. Results revealed that villus height was significantly higher in group D compared to control group, whereas crypt depth was significantly higher in all supplemented groups specifically remarkable in group D. Thickness of the tunica muscularis was higher in group C while other groups like D, E and F showed reduction in thickness compared to control group. Overall, this study data suggest that group D, which was supplemented with 3% dried oregano leaves, showed better performance than control. We conclude here that Oregano dried leaves may have the potential activity to modify the gut morphology and can result in better performance of the quail by increasing the nutrient absorption from the intestine. Copyright 2018 Zoological Society of Pakistan.
dc.sourcePakistan Journal of Zoology
dc.titleEffect of supplementation of oregano (Origanum onites) dried leaves on the intestinal properties in Japanese quails

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