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dc.contributor.authorKilic, Ö.
dc.description.abstractEssential oil can be extracted from various plants. In this present study, the essential oil and leaf fatty acid compositions of some plants taxa: Saturej amacrantha C.A.Mey., Nepeta transcaucasica Grossh., Nepeta betonicifolia C.A.Mey., Scutellaria orientalis L. subsp. orientalis and Salvia euphratica Montbret & Aucher ex Benth. var. lejocalycina were analyzed by GC-MS. Carvacrol (20.2 %) and thymol (11.3 %) were detected as the main compounds of S. macrantha; caryophyllene oxide (18.5 %), camphor (14.9 %) and β- pinene (14.7 %) were detected as the major constituents of S. euphratica; nepetalactone (18.5 %) and 1,8- cineole (14.4 %) were detected as the main compounds of N. transcaucasica; 1,8-cineole (13.7 %) and nepetalactone (12.2 %) were found to be the main compounds of N. betonicifolia; β-caryophyllene (14.3 %) and 1,8-cineole (10.3 %) were found to be the main compounds of S. orientalis subsp. orientalis. The fatty acid composition of the studied samples were found to be palmitic (21.76-60.00 %), steraic (17.21-38.53 %) and linoleic acid (5.66-27.35 %). © 2018, © 2018 Har Krishan Bhalla & Sons.
dc.sourceJournal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants
dc.titleEssential Oil and Fatty Acid Composition of Leaves of Some Lamiaceae Taxa FromTurkey

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