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dc.contributor.authorAlgul, S. and Bengu, A.S. and Baltaci, S.B. and Ozcelik, O.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate effect of morning and nocturnal soccer matches induced metabolic stress on plasma levels ofiron (Fe), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). Twenty male footballers performed two soccer matches in morning and at night on different days. Blood samples were takenbefore and after match. The levels of Fe, Zn and Cu were measured through an atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Metabolic stress was evaluated by alteredmalondialdehyde (MDA) levels that measured using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. In morning and at nocturnal soccer matches, levels of MDA(36% and 27%), Fe (37.4% and 38.9%) and Cu (34.8% and 26.8%) were all increased in all subjects, respectively. However, Zn level decreased-4.5 % in morning(n=10 subjects) and-9.4% at nocturnal (n=12 subjects) soccer matches. In addition, Cu/Zn ratio increased signifcantly 46.6% in morning and 36.6% at nocturnalsoccer matches. Soccer match has signifcant effects on levels of MDA, Fe and Cu but not Zn levels. The results of this study showed that morning soccer matchsignifcantly alters levels of MDA and Cu and Cu/Zn ratio compared to nocturnal soccer match. © 2019 by the C.M.B. Association. All rights reserved.
dc.sourceCellular and Molecular Biology
dc.titleEffects of morning and nocturnal soccer matches on levels of some trace elements in young trained males

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