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dc.contributor.authorKandemir, Ö. and Akbayram, K. and Çobankaya, M. and Kanar, F. and Pehlivan, Ş. and Tok, T. and Hakyemez, A. and Ekmekçi, E. and Danaci, F. and Temiz, U.
dc.description.abstractThe Eastern Pontide Arc, a major fossil submarine arc of the world, was formed by northward subduction of the northern Neo-Tethys lithosphere under the Eurasian margin. The arc's volcano-sedimentary sequence and its cover contain abundant fossils. Our new systematical paleontological and structural data suggest the Late Cretaceous arc volcanism was initiated at early-middle Turonian and continued uninterruptedly until the end of the early Maastrichtian, in the northern part of the Eastern Pontides. We measured ~5500-m-thick arc deposits, suggesting a deposition rate of ~220 m Ma-1 in ~25 m.y. We have also defined four different chemical volcanic episodes: (1) an early-middle Turonian-Santonian mafic-intermediate episode, (2) a Santonian acidic episode; when the main volcanic centers were formed as huge acidic domes-calderas comprising the volcanogenic massive sulfide ores, (3) a late Santonian-late Campanian mafic-intermediate episode, and (4) a late Campanian-early Maastrichtian acidic episode. The volcaniclastic rocks were deposited in a deepwater extensional basin until the late Campanian. Between late Campanian and early Maastrichtian, intra-arc extension resulted in opening of back-arc in the north, while the southern part of the arc remained active and uplifted. The back-arc basin was most probably connected to the Eastern Black Sea Basin. In the back-arc basin, early Maastrichtian volcano-sedimentary arc sequence was transitionally overlain by pelagic sediments until late Danian suggesting continuous deep-marine conditions. However, the subsidence of the uplifted-arc-region did not occur until late Maastrichtian. We have documented a Selandian-early Thanetian (57-60 Ma) regional hiatus defining the closure age of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan Ocean along the Eastern Pontides. Between late Thanetian and late Lutetian synorogenic turbidites and postcollisional volcanics were deposited. The Eastern Pontide fold-and-thrust belt started to form at early Eocene (ca. 55 Ma) and thrusting continued in the post-Lutetian times. © 2019 Geological Society of America.
dc.sourceBulletin of the Geological Society of America
dc.titleFrom arc evolution to arc-continent collision: Late Cretaceous-middle Eocene geology of the Eastern Pontides, northeastern Turkey

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