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dc.contributor.authorCevheri, C.I. and Yilmaz, A. and Beyyavas, V. and Haliloglu, H. and Boydak, E.
dc.description.abstractOil percentage and fatty acid composition are very important characteristics property for the human consumption of oilseed crops. Line of Aslanbey sesame genotyp was grown different inter and intra row distances, after wheat harvesting as second crop at Sanliurfa Province of Turkey in 2009. Experimental design was planted according to split plot at randomized block design with tree replications. The objective of this study to determine oil content and fatty acid composition of ses-ame with grown that 3 inter and 4 intra row distances. According to our results; The oil content varied between 36.9-43.8 % with an average value 38.6 of %, myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, and arachidic acids of sesame seed were changed between 0.014-0.037,, 0.024-0.181, 4.13-6.54, 39.43-44.76, 39.10-44.76, 0.154-0.293, and 0.347-0.953 % respectively. In accordance with our study, it was not found a linear relation with the increase or decrease of sowing density of oil content and fatty acid composition in sesame seed and sesame oil. © 2019 Parlar Scientific Publications. All rights reserved.
dc.sourceFresenius Environmental Bulletin
dc.titleDetermination of oil percentage and fatty acids composition of sesame (sesamum indicum l.) crown in different inter and intra row distances

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