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dc.contributor.authorGöger, Ü.V.
dc.description.abstractAs a result of outstanding achievements in Ottoman history, there are a large number of historical figures who have achieved great fame. Within these, a character who has been forgotten relatively is the chivalrous named Kanca (Hook). Kanca, the chivalrous, participated to the campaign of Crete which was one of the most prominent events of the 17th century, and has achieved great success. Such that, his usefulness in front of the castle Kandiye which is located in the island of Crete, was personally appreciated and rewarded by Ottoman army commander Sadrazam Fazıl Ahmet Pasha. After a while, Kanca has died during the blockade of Kandiye, as a result of a sewage attack by fortress supporters. It is highly probable that as expressed so far, Kanca who appears in Cevâhirü‘t-tevârih, the work of Mühürdar Hasan Ağa, is a true character who lived in history. However, in a compliation which is written later, very detailed and different new information is added to the short story in which the Kanca chivalrous is mentioned. In this compilation, the real name of the hook chivalrous, his hometown and the names of his child and wife are clearly included. Also, it is narrated that the wife of Kanca the chivalrous was pregnant when he was on the way to the campaign, a male child was born when he was in the war, this child has grown up and joined to the Crete campaign and he found his father, the Kanca chivalrous. In this narration, the Kanca chivalrous and his son’s outstanding achievements against the enemy are especially emphasized. In the study, the reality of the story of Kanca is questioned as it is included in the compilation work. As a result of the examination made between the related sources, it has been found that the reality of the story of the Kanca chivalrous is very weak as he is included in the compilation work. In another collection of the compilation, the name of the Kanca is not even mentioned. And again, in the main source of the compilation, in the part of the story that tells the story of the Kanca chivalrous, in the story named Hikâyet-i Azimet-i Sefer-i Kandiye, there isn’t any data on this scope which is available. As a result, as in the compilation work, the story of the Kanca chivalrous is like a story that was later added to a character who actually lived in history. With all of this, whether it’s a real or a later concocted story, the story of the Kanca chivalrous is quite interesting and it offers a valuable narrative to evaluate in terms of many domains such as literature, folklore, theater and cinema. © 2019, Milli Folklor Dergisi). All rights reserved.
dc.sourceMilli Folklor
dc.titleAn epic character in the ottoman historiography: Chivalrous nicknamed kanca (the hook) [Osmanli tarıh yaziciliğinda destansi bır karakter: Kanca nâm dılaver]

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