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dc.contributor.authorTürkoǧlu, M. and Hanbay, D.
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, deep learning widely used in image processing field, has introduced many new applications related to the agricultural field. In this study, for apricot disease detection were used deep learning models such as AlexNet, Vgg16, and Vgg19 based on pre-trained deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The deep attributes obtained from these models are classified by K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) method. To calculate the performance of the proposed methods was applied 10- fold cross-validation test. The dataset consists of 960 images including healthy and diseased apricot images. According to the obtained results, the highest accuracy was obtained as 94.8% by using Vgg16 model. © 2018 IEEE.
dc.source2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing, IDAP 2018
dc.titleApricot Disease Identification based on Attributes Obtained from Deep Learning Algorithms [Derin ögrenme Algoritmalarindan Elde Edilen özniteliklere Dayali Kayisi Hastalik Tespiti]

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