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dc.contributor.authorSen, B. and Kuyuldar, E. and Şavk, A. and Calimli, H. and Duman, S. and Sen, F.
dc.description.abstractIn this study, we report a superior dehydrogenation catalyst for dimethylamine borane, which exhibited one of the best catalytic activities. The newly formed catalyst system contains well dispersed ruthenium-copper nanomaterials on reduced graphene oxide (3.86 ± 0.47 nm), which was prepared by using the ultrasonic double reduction technique. The characterization of monodisperse ruthenium-copper alloy nanoparticles was performed using some advanced analytical methods such as TEM, HRTEM, XPS, Raman spectroscopic analysis. The experiments results revealed that the monodisperse ruthenium-copper alloy catalyst (RuCu@rGO) has one of the highest catalytic activity compared to previous studies, having a high turnover frequency value (256.70 h−1). The detailed kinetic parameters such as activation energy, enthalpy, and entropy values were also calculated for the dehydrogenation of dimethylamine borane at room temperature. Also, the results showed that the monodisperse RuCu@rGO catalyst has high durability and reusability as retained its 81% initial catalytic activity even after 4th runs for the dehydrogenation of dimethylamine borane. © 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
dc.titleMonodisperse ruthenium–copper alloy nanoparticles decorated on reduced graphene oxide for dehydrogenation of DMAB

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