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dc.contributor.authorGüner, A. and Özen, A.
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, a novel discrete wavelet transform-based coherent optical OFDM system, which improved the performance of the frequency domain equalizer by using discrete wavelet transform in the conventional coherent optical OFDM system, is proposed as a solution to data transmission speed and distance problems limited by the fiber nonlinearity and optical noise of optical channels. The greatest novelty of this study is that the discrete wavelet transforms and coherent optical OFDM systems are combined in the proposed technique. Simulation results are shown to verify the effectiveness of the proposed system at high launch power levels where fiber nonlinearity is significant. © 2019, National Institute of Optoelectronics. All rights reserved.
dc.sourceOptoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications
dc.titleImproving the efficiency of frequency domain equalization in conventional coherent optical ofdm system using discrete wavelet transform

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