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dc.contributor.authorCinar, F.I. and Mumcu, Ş. and Kiliç, B. and Polat, Ü. and Bal Özkaptan, B.
dc.description.abstractLow medication adherence is one of the leading causes that affect the achievement of target levels for hypertension. Identifying modifiable factors associated with low adherence is crucial. This study aims to assess medication adherence and the role of beliefs about medicines on medication adherence among hypertensive patients.This cross-sectional study was conducted with 200 hypertension patients.Data were collected using the Morisky-Green-Levine Medication Adherence Scale, and the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire [BMQ-Turkish Translation (BMQ-T)]. It was found that the BMQ-T subscales of Specific Concern (β = 0.358, p =.027) and General Overuse (β = 0.552, p =.011) had an independent predictor effect on medication adherence scores. In this study, the patients who thought that drugs were overused and had concerns about this were seen to be less adherent with the medication. With regard to patients who use antihypertensive drugs but have uncontrolled blood pressure, their beliefs about drugs should not be ignored when evaluating adherence with drug therapy. © The Author(s) 2020.
dc.sourceClinical Nursing Research
dc.titleAssessment of Medication Adherence and Related Factors in Hypertensive Patients: The Role of Beliefs About Medicines

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