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dc.contributor.authorKarabulut, A. and Sarilmaz, A. and Ozel, F. and Orak, İ. and Şahinkaya, M.A.
dc.description.abstractCu2NiSnS4 nanorods were synthesized by the usage of hot-injection technique and used as interlayer between the p-Si and Al metal in order to examine their behavior against the temperature and frequency changes. The current-voltage measurements were performed in 80–300 K temperature range with 20 K steps. The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) was used to prove the crystal structure of the synthesized Cu2NiSnS4 nanorods. Some crucial device parameters such as barrier height, series resistance and ideality factor values were calculated, and the obtained values were compared with other studies in the literature. It has been seen that the calculated parameters of the prepared device are strongly dependent on temperature changes. Besides, the capacitor behavior of fabricated device was investigated depending on the frequency and voltage changes. The experimental results indicated that the prepared device with Cu2NiSnS4 nanorods interlayer could be utilized in the electronic technology, especially applications in wide temperature range. © 2019 Korean Physical Society
dc.sourceCurrent Applied Physics
dc.titleA novel device fabricated with Cu2NiSnS4chalcogenide: Morphological and temperature-dependent electrical characterizations

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