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dc.contributor.authorKhan, A.S. and Ahmad, M. and Zafar, M. and Athar, M. and Ozdemir, F.A. and Gilani, S.A.A. and Sultana, S. and Ahmad, S. and Butt, M.A. and Majeed, S. and Khan, S.U.
dc.description.abstractThe Hypnaceae is one of the largest and diversified family among the pleurocarpous mosses which consists of nearly 60 genera and 1,000 species around the world. In Pakistan, it is represented by 15 species and 8 genera. The current research article provides the detail morphological investigation of four different species (genera) of the family Hypnaceae that is, Gollania clarescens, Hypnum revolutum, Homomallium andoi, and Taxiphyllum taxirameum in the Western Himalayas, Pakistan. The research article reports the first SEM study of the leaf surfaces of the studied taxa, along with comprehensive morphological characters of the four species. The main objective of the research project is to present the comparative light and scanning electron microscopic study to discuss the morphology in detail because previously the family is just reported in different bryophyte checklists of the Western Himalayas. Based on results, morphological characters, micromorphological observations, qualitative and quantitative attributes, taxonomic keys for the studied taxa, distribution, and habitat are described. Stereoscope was used to analyze different qualitative characters, and light microscope was used to observe and measure the laminal and alar cells of the leaf. The SEM study reveals many important surface features like cell shape and cell wall. The laminal cells were mostly linear and elongated with thin cell walls. The specimens used for the SEM were air dried, so the laminal cells were somewhat constricted and concaved. The current study project will help to make the contribution in the taxonomy and morphology of this family. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.sourceMicroscopy Research and Technique
dc.titleMorphological characterization of Hypnaceae (Bryopsida, Hypnales): Investigating four genera from Western Himalayas by using LM and SEM techniques

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