Temel İslam Bilimleri: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 154
Mütenebbî'nin şiirinde gelenekçi hareketin etkisi
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)The study includes an introduction and four sections. In the introduction, the attitudes of the previous critics towards the tradition and the views of modern critics and the significance of the poetic culture were discussed. ... -
Nahiv ve belâgat ilimleri açısından fasl/vasl olguları ve metnin yorumlanmasındaki etkileri(en-Nevevîʼnin Erbaînʼn örneği)
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)The main purpose of this study is to reveal the eloquence of the chapter and the connection in the forty hadeeths On the basis of a rhetorical approach between the grammatical and rhetorical study. This study included an ... -
El-ârâu'l-usûliyye li'l-Besîlî (v. 830) min hilâl-i tefsîrihi "et-Takyîdü'l-Kebîr (Min sureti'l-Fatiha ilâ Nihâyet-i Âl-İmrân)
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Basileh's interpretation is considered as the interpretations that concern the laws of Quran like other interpreters of the laws of Quran. But his work is different from others; he collected the differences of the principles ... -
Yahudilik ile bazı şii fırkalar arasındaki inanç benzerlikleri
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)The similarity between the Shiite and the Jewish faiths was scrutinized in the present study titled 'Similarity of Faith between Shiites and Jews'. For today, several individuals that criticize Islam in general, and ... -
El-İmam Abdullhayy el-Leknevi ve cuhuduhu fi'-sunneti'n nebeviyye
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Imam Abdul Hayy Al-Laknawy was a religious scholar distinguished from other scholars due to his wide knowledge and profound understanding as well as his scrutinizing in the scientific cases ,and his pointing out the right. ... -
Hâkim en-Nîsâbûrî'nin el-Müstedrek adlı eserindeki Ehl-i Beyt'in faziletine dair hadislerin değerlendirilmesi (Hz. Ali örneği)
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)This paper is a study about a number of speachs of propher Mohammad in the book AL-mustadrak Ala ALsahihayn by imam AL-hakim ALnneysabury the title is the superiority of prophets grand souns in AL-hakms mustadrak a critical ... -
Kadı Abdulcebbâr'ın nübüvvet hakkındaki görüşleri ve Hristiyanlara reddiyesi
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Abstract it is obvious that the heavenly religions recognized the necessity of the presence of messengers, because God sent them to take people out of darkness to light and they are the best example of humanity. This message ... -
El-Hiyelu fi'l Fikhi'l-Islami ve eseruha fi Kitabi't-Talak
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)When I sought the issue of legitimate outlets which is one of the subjects and contemporary researches in Islamic legislation, I found a lot of research works and rich writings on this subject, and I also found several ... -
İbnu's-Salâh eş- Şehrezûri ve Eseruhu fi,l fıkhi,Ş-Şafi
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Imam Ibn Salah Shahrazwry and his role in the Fiqh Jurisprudence of Imam Al Shafihy. The thesis presents the biography and the character of Imam Ibn Salah Shahrazwry, it also deals with his scientific studies, social life, ... -
Advâu'l-Beyân adlı tefsirde Müşkilü'l-Kur'ân
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)"Advâu'l-Beyân Adlı Tefsirde Müşkilü'l-Kur'ân" adlı bu tezde, giriş, üç bölüm ve sonuçtan oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, eserin yazarı Muhammed Emin eş-Şinkitî'nin hayatı, ilmi şahşiyeti, idari görevleri ve eserleri hakkında ... -
İbnu's-Salâh'ın el-Fetâvâ adlı kitabı çerçevesinde fıkhî görüş ve tercihleri
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2016)Abstract Ibn Salah was one of the most knowledgeable men of the nation in scientific of the Fiqh and religion. Because he was asked many questions in field of Fatwa, so he had to write a special book by the name (Alfatwa). ... -
Fatiha Suresinde itikadi konular
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2016)The reader of this paper will find the origins of the belief, monotheism and the most important creed issues and many of the otophone issues in accordance with the thoroughness of meanings of Sura Fatiha since it is mother ... -
Ebu Muhammed Tahir el-Kazvini‟nin "Kitâbu Nûri‟l-hakîka fî İsbâti‟l-marife" adlı eserinin tahkik ve değerlendirilmesi
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)"Nurü'l-hakika fi Isbâti al-Ma'rifa" is one of the most important works of our cultural heritage, which is one of the many proofs that reveal the scientific position and value of our scientific and cultural heritage. We ... -
Molla Muhammed El-Gerdî'nin El-Envâr kitabınin haşiyesi zekât, savm, hacc bölümlerinin tahkiki
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)The science of scriptures is significant in Islamic jurisprudence and it offers great contributions to building the future of the Islamic community. The present study scrutinized the scripture of an annotation of a work ... -
Hüsamuddin Ali Bitlisî᾽nin Camiu᾽t-Tenzîl ve᾽t-Te᾽vîl adlı tefsirinin Mülk suresi᾽nden Mürselât suresi᾽nin sonuna kadar olan kısmının tahkik ve tahlili
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)This thesis is including the examination of the Surah Mülk to the end Surah Mürselât in the manuscript tafsir named "Câmiu't-Tenzîl ve't-Te'vîl" for Ebû İdris Husameddin b. Ali el-Bitlisî. The research contains the following ... -
İslam Hukukunda ve Mer'i Hukukta gerçek kişilerin fiil ehliyeti
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)Mer'i hukukta fiil ehliyeti başlığı altında düzenlenen ve İslam hukukunda eda ehliyetinin kapsamına giren hükümlerin İslam hukukundaki yerini görmeye çalışmak tezin temel amacıdır. Ehliyet kavramının ve bu kavramın daha ... -
Takıyyuddin El-Hısnî'nin Kifâyetü'l-ahyâr adlı eserinde fıkhî kaideler ve uygulamaları
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)Fıkh'i kâideler, Fıkıhta ihtisas yapmak isteyenler için dikkate alınması gereken bir alandır. Bundan dolayı bu alanla ilgili eserlerin yanı sıra içinde kâide ve zâbıtların da olduğuı fıkıh müdevvenâtından da istifade ... -
İslam Hukukunda esirin öldürülmesi (Karşılaştırmalı inceleme)
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Islam has commanded us to cooperate with each other. God clarify to usthat he created us from different nationalities and forms and made us peoples, tribes and tribes. Accordingly, we should not be arrogant with each other ... -
Nur suresinde eğitici amaçlar
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)The research contains the educational intentions that exist in (Sura Nur),It was useful for the research to begen with prelusive part, I mentioned the definition of the title expressions linguistically and termly, then in ... -
Kur᾽ân᾽da tevâbiler
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Language is words that used by nations to express their purposes. Arabic language is words that Arabs through it express their purposes and intentions, and it has been delivered to us via transferring and the holy Quran ...