Güncel Gönderiler: Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Toplam kayıt 368, listelenen: 261-280
Hâkim en-Nîsâbûrî'nin el-Müstedrek adlı eserindeki Ehl-i Beyt'in faziletine dair hadislerin değerlendirilmesi (Hz. Ali örneği)
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)This paper is a study about a number of speachs of propher Mohammad in the book AL-mustadrak Ala ALsahihayn by imam AL-hakim ALnneysabury the title is the superiority of prophets grand souns in AL-hakms mustadrak a critical ... -
Kadı Abdulcebbâr'ın nübüvvet hakkındaki görüşleri ve Hristiyanlara reddiyesi
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Abstract it is obvious that the heavenly religions recognized the necessity of the presence of messengers, because God sent them to take people out of darkness to light and they are the best example of humanity. This message ... -
El-Hiyelu fi'l Fikhi'l-Islami ve eseruha fi Kitabi't-Talak
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)When I sought the issue of legitimate outlets which is one of the subjects and contemporary researches in Islamic legislation, I found a lot of research works and rich writings on this subject, and I also found several ... -
İbnu's-Salâh eş- Şehrezûri ve Eseruhu fi,l fıkhi,Ş-Şafi
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Imam Ibn Salah Shahrazwry and his role in the Fiqh Jurisprudence of Imam Al Shafihy. The thesis presents the biography and the character of Imam Ibn Salah Shahrazwry, it also deals with his scientific studies, social life, ... -
Impact of corporate governance on financial performance according to the International Finance Corporation (IFC) a study of financial banks in Erbil
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)The primary objective of this study was to examine the effect of governance on the financial performance of financial banks in Erbil. Specifically, the study examined the corporate governance dimensions and the financial ... -
Muslim woman representation in Western literature; In Gaiour by Lord Byron and Aziyade by Pierre Loti
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)This thesis aims to research the Muslim woman representation in Western literary tradition which was constituted through orientalist texts and to compare two literary works, Gaiour by Lord Byron and Aziyade by Pierre Loti. ... -
The impact of employee job satisfaction in organizational change a study in ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Erbil-Iraq
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)The present study is carried out to examine the impact of employee job satisfaction in organizational change from the perspectives of employees in departments of the ministry of higher education and scientific research in ... -
Advâu'l-Beyân adlı tefsirde Müşkilü'l-Kur'ân
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)"Advâu'l-Beyân Adlı Tefsirde Müşkilü'l-Kur'ân" adlı bu tezde, giriş, üç bölüm ve sonuçtan oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, eserin yazarı Muhammed Emin eş-Şinkitî'nin hayatı, ilmi şahşiyeti, idari görevleri ve eserleri hakkında ... -
Improve the critical factors to achieve customers satisfaction in the health sector /
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Actually healthcare is one of world largest sectors and patients are willing to pay more to avail health care services of international standard. In this research investigated the improve critical factors the customer ... -
İbnu's-Salâh'ın el-Fetâvâ adlı kitabı çerçevesinde fıkhî görüş ve tercihleri
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2016)Abstract Ibn Salah was one of the most knowledgeable men of the nation in scientific of the Fiqh and religion. Because he was asked many questions in field of Fatwa, so he had to write a special book by the name (Alfatwa). ... -
The impact of service marketing mix 7p's on consumer behavior
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)This research aims to know the services marketing mix 7P's in Hotel Rixos at DUHOK city influencing the consumer's behaviour in choosing a Hotel Rixos and know the magnitude of the influence of simultaneous and partial ... -
The role of pricing strategies on consumer purchasing decisions
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)This thesis focuses on studying the role of pricing strategies (PSs) on consumer purchasing decisions (CPD) at Diwan group of companies (DGC). Thus, researcher will study both from primary and secondary data. The thesis ... -
The role of brand in increasing market share
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)The aim of this research is a determine the role of brand (independent variable) in increasing market share (dependent variable) for companies in Duhok city. This research emphasizes on a number of dimensions within ... -
Bilgi teknolojilerinin çalışanların performansı ve motivasyonu üzerindeki etkisi TRB1 bölgesindeki KOBİ'lerde bir uygulama
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Günümüz ticari hayatının ve sosyal hayatın merkezine oturan önemli kavramların başında ''bilgi ve bilgi teknolojileri'' kavramları gelmektedir. Bilgi teknolojilerinin ulaşmış olduğu önemli teknolojik seviyeler, bilginin ... -
How much the extent that practice by university leaders for transformational leadership style and its impacts on the quality of education
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)This study reveals the extent to which 'Leadership of the University has a transformational leadership style and its effect on the quality of education' in terms of teacher satisfaction. In order to achieve the objectives ... -
Hisse senedi değeri ile makroekonomik değişkenler arasındaki ilişki: BIST 100 endeksi üzerine bir araştırma
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)In this survey it is tried to be understood which factors affect the Istanbul Stock Exchange (BİST) 100 Index. Because of this, the gold price (ALT), the rate of interest (FAİZ), foreign money rate (KUR), consumer price ... -
Fatiha Suresinde itikadi konular
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2016)The reader of this paper will find the origins of the belief, monotheism and the most important creed issues and many of the otophone issues in accordance with the thoroughness of meanings of Sura Fatiha since it is mother ... -
The relationship of intellectual capital to the promotion of competitive strategies a research of the views of managers in the Erbil city hotels
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)This study seeks to study the relationship of intellectual capital (IC) to competitive strategies (CS): A research of the views of managers in Erbil city hotels. Intellectual capital is an independent variable. The first ... -
Ebu Muhammed Tahir el-Kazvini‟nin "Kitâbu Nûri‟l-hakîka fî İsbâti‟l-marife" adlı eserinin tahkik ve değerlendirilmesi
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)"Nurü'l-hakika fi Isbâti al-Ma'rifa" is one of the most important works of our cultural heritage, which is one of the many proofs that reveal the scientific position and value of our scientific and cultural heritage. We ... -
Gündelik yaşamın sosyoloğu: Georg Simmel
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2016)Modern sosyolojinin ve modernitenin kurucusu sayılan Georg Simmel, sosyolojiye getirdiği yeni bakış açısıyla çağdaşlarından ayrılır. Simmel, sosyolojiye yeni bakış açısı getirerek, makro sosyolojiyi yerine mikro sosyoloji ...