Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü: Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 367
تخريج الأحاديث المرويّة عن الصحابية الجليلة الشفاء بنت عبد الله
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Science, 2018)In the name of God, Praise be to Allah, and prayers and peace be upon Ashraf the creature, and the light of our eyes and the example of our lives, Muhammad Abdo and His Messenger (peace be upon him) and his family and ... -
ما يجوز في المنظوم دون المنثور عند النحاة شعر الفرزدق أنموذجاً
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Science, 2017)Linguists have to study linguistic structures regardless of whether these structures feature in poetry or prose. Besides, linguists have relied extensively on poetry for understanding and inferring grammar rules as poetry ... -
الأزمنة ودلالاتها في الأحاديث الشريفة حيح البخاري انموذجا دراسة دلالية
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Science, 2018)This research deals with the mentioned tenses in Ahadeth of al-Bukhari in terms of semantic, it reveals the contextual meanings of the words in it. The research consists of an introduction, two chapters and conclusion. In ... -
Dimensions of service quality and its effects on achieving competitive advantage an exploratory study of banking organizations in Sulaimaniyah city-Iraq
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Science, 2018)An Exploratory Study of Banking Organizations in Sulaimaniyah City. The current thesis study purpose is to explore the service quality and its impact on achieving the competitive advantage of the banking organizations in ... -
The role of intellectual capital in thecreative leadership: experimental study in Salahaddin University– Erbil, Iraq
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Science, 2017)The purposes of the present study are to investigate the role of intellectual capital through its components namely; human capital, structural capital, and relational capitalin the creative leadership which is experimentally ... -
Mahmûd Sâmî el-Barûdî'nin şiirlerinde ağıt-edebi alan araştırması
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)In this work, the poems written by the Egyptian poet Mahmud Sâmi al-Bârûdî in the form of elegy (dirge) were handled with an analytical approach in terms of art and rhetoric in order to understand the literary dimensions. ... -
Sûü'l-Hıfz ve Buhârî ile Müslim'in bu vasıfta olan ravileri
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)Bu çalışma hadis tenkîd sebeplerinden olan sûü'l-hıfz ve Buhârî ile Müslim'in bu vasıfta olan râvilerin tespiti ve değerlendirmesi yapılmaktadır. İki bölümden oluşan çalışmamızın birinci bölümün de sûü'l-hıfz ve ilgili ... -
Ebû Kilâbe el-Cermî'nin hadis ilmindeki yeri
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)Hadis tarihinin şekillenmesinde en büyük paya sahip olanlar kuşkusuz ilk üç nesil olan sahabi, tabiin ve tebe-i tabiindir. Hz. Muhammed'in kavli, fiili ve takriri sünnetini öğrenme konusunda sahabenin gösterdiği istek, ... -
The role of knowledge management on improving organizational performance a study of a sample of faculty members at the university of human development in Sulaimaniyah city-Iraq
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)This study examined the role of knowledge management in improving the organizational performance in all four faculties of the University of Human Development in Sulaimaniyah. Knowledge management is known as a critical ... -
Değerler eğitimi ve uygulamalarına yönelik veli ve öğretmen tutumlarının değerlendirilmesi: Bingöl örneği
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)Değerlerin gittikçe değerlendiği günümüzde tüm dünyanın ortak kaygısı kaybolan değerleri yeniden yaşatmanın yollarını aramak ve kaybolan değerlere çözüm üretmek olmuştur. Bu araştırmanın amacı öğretmen ve velilerin değerler ... -
The Clash of East and West in Maryam Jameelah's Ahmad Khalil: The Story of a Palestinian Refugee
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)This thesis aims at examining the clash of the East and West and enabling a constructive view to the relation deteriorated by modernity, colonialism, imperialism and nationalism. When the historical course of the West-East ... -
El-Cevâhirî'nin Övgü Şiir'lerinde Berâ'atü'l-İstihlal
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)This work is an effort to determine the position of the art of the rhetoric (Berâtü'l al-istihlâl) in the poems of the Iraqi poet Muhammad Mahdi alJawahiri (praise). In order to reach the desired result, besides the two ... -
Electronic government and its role in administrative development applied study on the directorate general of education in Arbil
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)The study is summarized clarifying the concept of Electronic Government, providing a vision to facilitate multiple services for citizens, and reducing administrative bureaucracy in multiple administrative levels to obtain ... -
The concept of Islam and the "Other" in post colonial context after 9/11: A comparative analysis of the novels the reluctant fandamentalist by Mohsin Hamid and the terrorist by john updike
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)In this thesis study, the concept of Islam and the "Other" have closely been examined in postcolonial context after September 11 in the novels The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid and The Terrorist by John Updike. ... -
Kur'an kıssalarının eğitsel boyutları (Hz. Adem, Hz. Nuh, Hz. Hud, Hz. Saleh, Hz. Lut örneği)
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)The research summary the massage reported the importance of the educational dimension of quranic story, and that the quran is an educational book and refinement of ethics, citing by the etamples. And this message consists ... -
The dimensions of the organization structure effect in improve marketing performance
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)This study is concerned with the concept and definition of the organizational structure as the framework that outlines the administration, departments, functions and the planning power inside the organization. The study ... -
Haşiyetü Molla Muhammed el-Gerdi alal Envar li'l-Erdebilli min evveli kitabi'l-bey'i ila nihayeti kitabi'l-rehn diraseten ve tahkikan
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)The significance of the written heritage that we inherited is not lost to anyone thanks to the written and Islamic jurisprudence sciences. Communities that deserve respect and appreciation are those who preserve their ... -
Menbeu᾽l-a'mâl fî Ma'rifeti Mebâhisi᾽t-Taklîd ve Tashîhi᾽l-Akvâl (Tahkik ve talik)
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Praise be to God who made us the best nation among the nations. Peace and blessings be upon those whom God sent to the mercy of the worlds and on his family and his companions and followers to the Day of Judgment. Later ... -
The role of corporate governance in controlling financial performance of commercial banks in Erbil-Iraq
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)The present study tried to examine the role of corporate governance as (board of directors, internal control system, the external audit, transparency and disclosure, accountability and accounting control, and audit committees) ... -
The effect of employee burnout on employee job satisfaction the case of Kurdistan telecommunication sector: Asiacell and Korek telecom
(Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)Burnout is one of the main factors that affect the employee job satisfaction. When the employee's feel burned out, then their job satisfaction decreases and this syndrome affects overall the organization. Job satisfaction ...