Toplam kayıt 4, listelenen: 1-4

    • Fatiha Suresinde itikadi konular 

      Mohammed, Yaseen Mirza (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2016)
      The reader of this paper will find the origins of the belief, monotheism and the most important creed issues and many of the otophone issues in accordance with the thoroughness of meanings of Sura Fatiha since it is mother ...
    • Hüsamuddin Bitlisî'nin Camiu't-Tenzil ve't Te'vil eserinin Fatiha ve Bakara 22. ayete kadar tahkiki 

      Azeez, Hoshang Khaleel (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)
      I have participated in achieving and taking out a part of this interpretation which is the first part of the first volume of the first manuscript until verse (22) of Surat al-Baqarah. My work in this manuscript was: to ...
    • İbnu's-Salâh eş- Şehrezûri ve Eseruhu fi,l fıkhi,Ş-Şafi 

      Tamarkhan, Mohammed Shaikhan (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)
      Imam Ibn Salah Shahrazwry and his role in the Fiqh Jurisprudence of Imam Al Shafihy. The thesis presents the biography and the character of Imam Ibn Salah Shahrazwry, it also deals with his scientific studies, social life, ...
    • Molla Muhammed El-Gerdî'nin El-Envâr kitabınin haşiyesi zekât, savm, hacc bölümlerinin tahkiki 

      Mohammed, Kamaran Omer (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)
      The science of scriptures is significant in Islamic jurisprudence and it offers great contributions to building the future of the Islamic community. The present study scrutinized the scripture of an annotation of a work ...