Toplam kayıt 285, listelenen: 101-120

    • Hypermedia and its’ role in learning 

      Türel, Vehbi (2015)
      In this article, initially, the definition and outstanding aspects of the relevant terms such as multimedia, multiple media, interactive multimedia (IMM) hypermedia and adaptive hypermedia (AHM) will be focussed on. ...
    • The inclusion and design of cultural differences in Interactive multimedia environments 

      Türel, Vehbi; Kılıç, Eylem (2014)
      A concern for social justice and the inclusion of cultural differences as a requirement of social justice in all learning materials, whether they are in the form of conventional materials or Interactive Multimedia Environments ...
    • Factors affecting listening 

      Türel, Vehbi (2014)
      In this chapter, the author looks at the difficulties that stem from listening materials in terms of affecting listening. To be able to select or create effective listening materials, some of the vital points that need to ...
    • Priority of listening materials for autonomous intermediate language learners 

      Türel, Vehbi (2014)
      In this chapter, the author offers suggestions to help in determining the priority of listening materials both for self-access Foreign Language Learning (FLL) centres and for home/self-study from the standpoint of view of ...
    • Design of multimedia listening software: Unfamiliar items, glossary, aural texts and speech rate 

      Türel, Vehbi (2015)
      This chapter focuses on the principles and guidelines that should be borne in mind when designing and developing some digital elements of interactive multimedia listening software such as ‘unfamiliar items’, ‘glossary’, ...
    • Design of multimedia listening software: Instructions, tasks, texts and self-assessment tests 

      Türel, Vehbi (2015)
      In this chapter, the principles and guidelines that should be borne in mind when designing and developing some digital elements such as ‘instructions’, ‘tasks’, ‘(reading) texts’ and ‘self-assessment tests’ in interactive ...
    • Design of the while listening activities in multimedia listening software 

      Türel, Vehbi; Waraich, Atif (2015)
      This chapter focuses on the design of the while-listening activities while designing and developing interactive multimedia listening software (MLS) that aims to enhance language learners’ listening skills as a part of ...
    • Intelligent design of the post-listening tasks in multimedia listening software 

      Türel, Vehbi (2015)
      The objective of this chapter is to clearly demonstrate through concrete examples how affective and efficient post-listening tasks for autonomous intermediate and upper-intermediate (intermediate) language learners can be ...
    • Intelligent design of captions in interactive multimedia listening environments 

      Türel, Vehbi (2015)
      In this chapter, 48 language learners’ perceptions towards the presence of captions at the first listening (i.e. the while listening stage) in an IME that aimed to enhance the language learners’ listening skills as a part ...
    • Listening, multimedia and optimum design 

      Türel, Vehbi (2015)
      Listening is “…a term used in language studies and language education to refer … to a set of cognitive interactions involved in oral language processing” (Rost, 1994, p. 3778). It is also added that listening is “... the ...
    • Preface 

      Türel, Vehbi (2015)
      Not only are we, as educators and materials developers, living in a digital age, but we are also required to meet the needs of today’s learners who are in general digitally fluent and competitive, - as they are born into ...
    • Intelligent design of interactive multimedia listening software 

      Türel, Vehbi (2015)
      This book, Intelligent Design of Interactive Multimedia Listening Software, offers a unique way for designing and developing efficient and cost effective multimedia listening applications for the learners of any language ...
    • Design and Development of Interactive Multimedia Listening Software 

      Türel, Vehbi (2016)
      Design and Development of Interactive Multimedia Listening Software explores the latest research-based development and design innovations for multimedia listening programs to assist students in second-language learning ...
    • Creating effective web pages for the learners of English as a second language. The Researcher, 2(1), 27-41, UK. 

      Türel, Vehbi (The University of Manchester, School of Education, 1999)
      This paper discusses some importanl issues concerning the creation of web pages. Before focusing on the core of this article, firstly a def nition of the Internet will be given. Secondly, what the Internet can offer the ...
    • Beginning Turkish 

      Türel, Vehbi (CALICO Journal, 2003)
      Beginning Turkish is interactive multimedia language software for beginner Turkish learners of 12 years of age and older who want to develop and practice their Turkish language skills by viewing video / listening to audio ...
    • Talk now! Learning Turkish 

      Türel, Vehbi (CALICO Journal, 2000)
      Talk Now! Learning Turkish is advertised as language software aiming to teach basic vocabulary and phrases to absolute beginner Turkish learners of 12 years of age and older. It offers basic Turkish vocabulary and phrases ...
    • Design of the while-listening tasks in autonomous interactive multimedia software 

      Türel, Vehbi; Kılıç, Eylem (ICIT, 2012)
      In this article, firstly the definition of autonomy will be briefly y touched on. Autonomy is defined by Cotterall (1995: 195) as ‘the extent to which learners demonstrate the ability to use a set of tactics for taking ...
    • Customization of feedback for language teaching and learning in multimedia environments 

      Türel, Vehbi (University College Dublin, Ireland, 2010)
      This study aims to present the pedagogical and design principles that might help us to more effectively design and customise feedback in interactive multimedia language learning environments. While so doing, some examples ...
    • The use of many listening media-types in one multimedia listening application 

      Türel, Vehbi (IETC, 2010)
      The positive effects of using different listening texts (i.e. audio, video) in listening enhancement as a part of FLL are already well known. As multimedia enables us to combine and present these media types, - which are ...
    • Learners’ attitudes towards the use of CALL for listening enhancement 

      Türel, Vehbi (IETC, 2010)
      In multimedia listening software, different digital elements (i.e. video, audio, visuals, text, animations, graphics, glossary and feedback) can be combined and delivered on the same computer screen. This enables more ...