Toplam kayıt 1, listelenen: 1-6

    Hussam Al-Din Al-Badlisi, "Jamih Al-Tanzil wa Al-T'wil", The Holy The Qur‟an, Indicative Interpretations. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and may Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. (1)
    Hüsameddin Ali Bitlisî, Camiu‟t-Tenzil ve‟t Te‟vil, Kur‟an, İşârî Tefsir. (1)
    test (1)
    test 2 (1)
    test 3 (1)
    ك خٔ ح يُ ٣ ح زُي ٢ٔ ٤ُ ، ؿخ غٓ . ح ظُ ٣ِ٘ ٝح ظُؤٝ ٣ ،َ ح وُ آَ ،ٕ ح ظُل ٤ٔ ح ٩ خٗ ١ٍ (1)